Seth de Berry, RPT

Pianos need more than just regular tuning when it comes to their maintenance. With a tuning I offer recommendations for how to keep your piano in optimum condition for years to come. If you live in San Francisco or the East Bay Area and have a piano in need of any of the services below, get in touch with me.


The alignment of the strings of the piano to create a smooth even tone throughout. This should be done every six months to a year.


The alignment of the moving parts of the piano to perfectly balance power and control for the player. These problems can be more extensive (and apparent) in older pianos, but some new pianos may require minor adjustments as well.


The hardening and softening of the piano’s hammer felt to achieve a softer or brighter tone throughout the piano. A properly voiced piano will also improve the players dynamic range.

Piano Assessment

An expert opinion on the worth of your instrument, or an estimate on any extensive repairs that it may need.


Smaller individual repairs that can be done in the home, or Action and Lyre repairs that can be done in the shop.